ESD not only integrates skills development and learning content into the curriculum, italso promotes holistic understanding that recognizes interconnectedness and looks toalternative futures (Paige & Lloyd, 2016). A holistic approach incorporates multipleperspectives on the content, recognising that socio-cultural and economic factors are often thecause of environmental problems, and addresses the paradox of how development can becompatible with sustainable futures (Boeve-de Pauw, Gericke, Olsson & Berglund, 2015).However, the system of formal education itself is not positioned to challenge the prevailingparadigms of governments that support economic growth and wealth accumulation (McFarlane& Ogazon, 2011). Others point out how difficult it is to interrogate human relationships withnature in a society where consumption and modernity are favoured, and a neo-liberalperspective reinforces social norms that are maladaptive to environmental outcomes (SchindelDimick, 2015). The ideas for creative and effective teaching methods presented in a review of