Thank you for your interest in the HD Video Beta program. We'll let you know once we've launched!
Meanwhile, let me know if you have any questions - I read all emails :)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vlada, Founder
HappyBits, Co.
On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 11:43 AM PST, عبدالحميد المجاهد wrote:
I'm interested in being a beta tester and getting HD Video feature. Please let me know when it becomes available..
Additional information : Full Name : ايهم الايهم.
Registered : YES.
Email : alayham555@outlook.com.
Phone : YE700584036
من جهاز الـ iPhone الخاص بي ابو اسماعيل