1. Position for which you are applying:
Position: □ Teacher Assistant □ Demonstrator
Faculty: .........................................................
□ Pharmacy □ Tourism and Hotel Management
□ Dentistry □ Physical Therapy
□ Engineering □ Mass Communication
□ Legal studies □ Allied Medical Sciences
□ Business Administration □ Arts & Design
□ Languages and Translation
Personal Information:
Full Name
First Middle Last
Date of birth: Place of birth: Current position :
Current Position
Current Contact Information:
Street:............................................................................... City: .............................................State: .............................
Telephone (Cell):...................................... Telephone (Office):................................... Fax:........................................
2. Education*:
Institution Field of Study Dates Attended Degree Awarded Grade
or GPA
From To
3. Employment Record*:
Current Employment
Institution:........................................ Address:........................................... Telephone:........................................
Position:........................................... Dates Employed
From..................... To..................... Responsibilities................................
Most Recent Salary.......................... Reason for Leaving........................................................................................
Employment History
Institution Address Position(s) Employment Dates Most
Recent Salary Reason for Leaving
From To
4. Academic Ranks
Please list your academic ranks chronologically starting with the most recent.
Rank Date Awarded
5. List courses you have previously taught.
Course Institution Date
6. List your publications chronologically starting from the most recent (Up to 5).
7. Identify research grants, topic and amount, that you have obtained during your career.
8. State your reasons for applying to Pharos University Alexandria
9. If you have relatives employed by Pharos University Alexandria, please name them and their positions
10. References: List the names and contact information for three references familiar with your professional background whom we can contact.
Name Position Contact information
I am applying for a faculty position at Pharos University Alexandria. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information contained in this application form is accurate. False or misleading information presented in the application and/or the attached curriculum vitae will constitute sufficient ground for rejecting my application or for terminating my employment at any time.
Signature: Date:
Do not write below this line (for official use only)
Academic committee decision