The President: I thank the distinguished delegate of Mexico for her statement and her comments and for her kind words. I should, for my part, respond to the last point that she flagged in a moment.
Are there any other delegations that wish to take the floor at this stage? The distinguished representative of the Republic of Korea has the floor.
Mr. Park Young-hyo (Republic of Korea): Madam President, my delegation would like to draw your attention to United Nations Security Council resolutions 1718, 1874 and 2087, as well as the final document of the 2010 NPT Review Conference and the numerous IAEA resolutions on issues related to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The NPT final document clearly states that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea must fulfil its commitments under the 2005 joint statement of the Six-Party Talks as well as its obligations under United Nations Security Council resolutions which called for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to abandon all nuclear weapons and the existing nuclear programmes in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner.