استيقظ من النوم اصلي و اكل الفطور اذهب الى المدرسة مع اخواتي ارجع من المدرسة الى البيت الاكل الغداء واتصفح الانستغرام اشاهد التلفاز اذاكرةالواجبات اذهب الى النوم بعد يوم شاق
Wake up from sleepPray and eat breakfastI go to school with my sistersReturn home from school to eat lunch and browse the alanstgharam watching tvAzakrhalwagbat I go to sleep after a hard day
I wake up from sleep Genuine eat breakfast and go to school with my sisters back home from school to eat lunch and browse the Alanstgram watching TV Makrhaloajpat I go to sleep after a hard day