MEanwhile, Granny talks with the boys, as to how pragya’s attempt at unfoiling tanu failed yet again in front of abhi, and she was branded a liar by her own friend, and wonder how long would this continue, and why did sheena betray her. Granny says that whats done is done. she wonders what they need to do now, and that they should tell abhi that they are with pragya, and her reports are accurate. they agree on it, but wonder how to. Purab says that they have planned enough, and now pragya is in trouble, because of what she has had to do, and that they have never spoken to him, due to lack opf evidence, but their silence merely aggravated the problem. he says that he shall spill it all out to him. she asks him not to act rash in anger, and what if abhi reprimands him. he says that its okay, but he cant bear to see pragya like this even at the cost of his friendship. he leaves hastily. they deliberate that they dont have any other option, other than this. she decides to go and stand outside abhi’s room, to see where the discussion is going and intervene if necessary, to handle it. they comply and rush out too.
Scene 2:
Location: On the road
PRagya, while driving, remembers how the friend lied and is upset. she says that she cant do this, then why she helped tanu, and decides to talk to her and find out. she stops the car and gets out.
Scene 3:
Location: Sheena’s residence
Pragya arrives at sheena’s place, and she opens the door and stands tensed seeing her. she walks in enraged. then she confronts the doctor as to how and why she did it, and if she sold her integrity for money, and then points out why she had wanted this so desperately, and after such problems, they were uniting, but she ruined it. she is asked to leave immediately. but pragya insists for an answer, and saays that she had helped sheena when she had wanted it so desperately. she asks what would happen when her mother knows, what sheena did. sheena asks her to go, as she wont explain at all. she is distressed. pragya asks if she did this for money, and she shouldnt have betrayed her, and that she wouldnt be able to trust anyone now. sheena says that she didnt do anything, that she is being accused of. pragya asks why then. sheena says that she had no other option, as her child has been kidnapped, and they threatened to kill her, if she didnt side with tanu. as she goes on a motherly rant, as to how she couldnt have allowed them to hurt pari, pragya is shocked to know the reason. she consoels her, saying that she should have thought that she must have been so helpless to have done this, and apologises for not understanding. sheena breaks down, and pragya says that its fine, as she did absolutely right, and she wouldnt have been able to forgive herself, had she risked pari’s life. sheena then explains how she was kidnapped. pragya asks why wasnt she told. sheena says that she didnt want to bother her. she is distressed. sheena says that then she got the call, from someone, to ask her to falsify pragya’s reports and say that tanu’s were right. pragya listens on intently. sheena is tensed if anything shall happen to pari. pragya assures her that she shall bring pari back. sheena thanks her and says that when she finds pari, and gets her back, she shall tell the truth to abhi. pragya says that she knows who did it and shall get pari back anyhow. she thinks that this must definitely be nikhil’s work, and she shall have to go there, to find some clue, which shall definitely be there, if he has done it.
Scene 4:
Location: Nikhil’s residence
Tanu and her boyfriend are amused at the plight of pragya when the doctor betrayed her. she says that it would have been best had abhi hit her. he says that pragya shall cry forever, once abhi signs the will in the child’s name. tanu is boggled how did this happen. he says that he was behind it, and reminds her not to underestimate him. he then says that he wants her to meet someone. she is highly curious, while he deliberately opens the door late and reveals that its aliya, who had kidnapped the daughter. tanu expresses happiness at seeing her, and then asks how she managed it. aliya says that when she received tanu’s distressed call, after having landed in hot waters, and wanting help from anywhere, she refused her on face. but then she thought oevr it, she realised that pragya had made her so desperate, that she did this for pragya’s defeat but not for her win. tanu says that its okay, and they aliya welcomes her in. tanu is very curious to know of their co ordination and the plan. nikhil then points out their entire strategy, and called up aliya to have a defensive strategy. she says that tanu wouldnt have been believed, as only the doctor could have confirmed to the truth. ALiya tells them that she knew if not a friend, a mother would definitely do what they want her to do, and hence thought of the kidnapping plan, so that the doctor is forced to say what they wanted.
Scene 5:
Location: Abhi’