The Episode starts with Aaliya telling Nikhil to take care of Dr. Sheela’s daughter and asks him to keep her until Dr. Sheela agrees to shift to other city. Nikhil says okay, I will handle. Tanu praises herself for calling Aaliya and asking for her help. Nikhil and Tanu starts arguing like husband and wife. Aaliya asks them to stop their fighting as husband and wife. Tanu says Nikhil can’t be a good husband and says she will become Abhi’s wife. She says her baby is her strength. Nikhil reminds her that he has given her baby. They argue again. Purab tells Dadi that Pragya is not in the house. Pragya comes to Nikhil’s house and sees it locked. She recalls Nikhil telling Tanu that his keeps keys in the vase. Pragya gets inside the house and checks for the proofs. Nikhil thinks he will sleep peacefully
today after switching off phone. Pragya thinks Nikhil is very clever. Nikhil comes home, looks for the keys and thinks if thief has entered home. Just then he hears phone bell, but then gets the keys.
Pragya picks Dadi and Purab’s call and says she is fine. She sees Nikhil coming and switches off her phone. Tanu calls Nikhil. Nikhil asks where is Pragya? Tanu says she must have gone to her mum’s place to cry. Nikhil asks Tanu to go and provoked Abhi against Pragya, so much so that he kicks Pragya out of the house. Tanu says okay. Pragya is hiding in his house and thinks do what you wants? Pragya thinks you people don’t know what I will do with you both. Nikhil thinks he is feeling strange today and heard some noise. He checks, but Pragya is hiding. Nikhil gets goon’s call, who asks him to come as the girl is crying a lot. Nikhil scolds him and says I would have hired an Aaya instead. He says I will be coming. Pragya thinks she will get some clue and follows Nikhil.
Abhi tries calling Pragya and thinks her phone is off. Tanu comes to Abhi, says Pragya has betrayed your trust, and tried to provoke you against me. She says why did Pragya tried to spoil your baby’s future and called him illegitimate. Abhi asks her to leave him alone and says he is having headache. Tanu says I will massage your head. Abhi says you have many favors on me and asks her to just go. Abhi thinks where is Pragya? He thinks why did she go? He thinks I couldn’t figure out what is right. Pragya reaches the place and thinks to inform Purab but the network is not there. Pragya thinks she shall not waste time and go behind Nikhil. Nikhil turns to look. Pragya hides. Nikhil asks the goon, where is the girl. Goon says she is in the room.
Nikhil goes inside and scolds the goon for tying girl’s hand. Pragya looks at Pari. Nikhil talks to her nicely and asks what is her name. She says she is Pari. Nikhil says he will make her meet her mummy and says tomorrow is no school. Pari gets happy. Pragya thinks apologetic and says she will unite her with mum. Abhi comes to Dr. Sheela’s house and says he needs to talk to her. Dr. Sheela refuses to talk to him and closes the door on his face. She recalls her conversation with Pragya and thinks I can’t tell him anything.
Nikhil convinces the girl to keep quiet and asks the goon to open her hands. He asks goon to take care of Pari and not to call him again. Goon says I will handle everything. Nikhil threatens him. He thinks Pragya might be thinking why did Dr. sheetal have done this with her and Dr. Sheela might be thinking why did she keep friendship with Pragya. He is about to see Pragya, but just then goon asks Nikhil to have food (strange). Nikhil refuses and goes. Pragya thinks she will get Pari freed and then expose Nikhil and Tanu.
Aaliya tells Tanu that Abhi has fooled her and went to meet Dr. Sheela. Abhi scolds Robin and takes out his frustration on him as Pragya haven’t inform him before leaving and Sheela closing door on his face. Dadi looks on tensedly. . .