Aogiri Raid Kaneki > Haise.
Aogiri Kaneki was full of RC cells from cannibalism and stronger. Peak condition. Haise took suppressants and suppressed himself. He was basically on the level of a low-level investigator in the first series, such as Akira.
So yeah, a person with years of combat experience and ghoul biology vs someone who's unable to control his own emotions? Yamori wins every time.
You're acting like this series has a massive powercreep when it doesn't. In the Auction and Aogiri raids, we had plenty of high power ghouls as well as investigators.
Naki looked up to Yamori and Yamori already beat the shit out of him.
Torso has no feats.
Grave Robber has no feats.
Feats > Some arbitrary ranking by the CCG that doesn't even determine power.