Over 10,500 people are currently displaced and
in need of humanitarian assistance. Partners are
providing emergency assistance in camps and
host communities. The majority of displaced
people are sheltering in host communities.
Population movements are fluctuating as the
front lines move, including people returning to
their homes following improved security
conditions in the immediate area.
Assessments have recorded a significant number
of female-headed households, raising concerns
around the detention or capture of men and
Almost 14,500 people have received emergency
assistance within 24 hours of areas newlyretaken
from ISIL becoming accessible to
humanitarian partners since the start of military
Situation Overview
As of 26 October, the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix emergency tracking system (DTM ET) has recorded
10,548 people displaced by the military operations to retake Mosul, a more than twofold increase from the last
reporting period. Movements of displacement are becoming increasingly complex, as people flee the fighting in
multiple directions. Some people are moving to displacement sites, and formal camps are currently housing 34 per
cent of the displaced population. The majority of people have sought shelter in host communities, which are
vulnerable themselves, and in need of humanitarian assistance.
As of 24 October, at least 3,300 people had returned to their villages soon after they have been retaken from ISIL.
The majority of movements of return have been to Al Houd, with small pockets happening in other areas. Returning
families are particularly at risk of improvised mines and other explosive hazards. There is also a very real risk of
booby traps in buildings in retaken villages; a tactic that ISIL has used previously.
Concerns around family separation amongst the affected population have been raised. An assessment carried out
in Al Qayyarah Jad’ah camp indicated that half of the participating households were female-headed. Some of the
interviewees stated that men had been detained during displacement; others reported men being killed in the