Nous savons tous ce qui est bon pour nous *, mais nous ne savons parfo ترجمة - Nous savons tous ce qui est bon pour nous *, mais nous ne savons parfo الإنجليزية كيف أقول

Nous savons tous ce qui est bon pou

Nous savons tous ce qui est bon pour nous *, mais nous ne savons parfois pas pourquoi. Par exemple, depuis l'enfance, nous entendons parler de l'importance de boire beaucoup d'eau, mais beaucoup d'entre nous avons pas été en mesure de mettre en œuvre cette habitude. Peut-être que cet article pourrait enfin vous convaincre de commencer à boire beaucoup d'eau, quand vous comprenez certains des avantages potentiels de cet article, qui constituent environ 70 pour cent de la masse corporelle. 1. La réduction du poids de l'eau est l'une des meilleures façons de réduire le poids. Tout d'abord, peut l'eau pour remplacer les boissons riches en calories comme la soude, jus de fruits, diverses boissons gazeuses, café, thé, etc., toutes ces boissons contiennent de grandes quantités de calories, et donc, le corps de l'eau potable évite d'obtenir de grandes quantités et celles redondantes. En outre, boire de l'eau à l'anorexie peut entraîner donne aussi le sentiment de plénitude dans l'estomac relative. En outre, l'eau potable avant le repas et qui peut conduire à plus de consommation est inférieure à la quantité de calories, glucides et lipides, comme l'un de satiété et la plénitude estomac se sent plus facilement. Essayé, autant que possible, l'inclusion de l'eau dans votre alimentation et vous ajoutez donc les chances de son succès. 2. L'eau est bonne pour la santé peut réduire potable quantités suffisantes d'eau sur une base régulière du risque de crise cardiaque. Une étude il ya six ans aux États-Unis a révélé que les personnes qui boivent plus de 5 tasses d'eau par jour avaient réduit leur risque de crise cardiaque de 41% au cours de la période de l'étude, par rapport à ceux qui buvaient moins de deux tasses d'eau par jour. 3. L'approvisionnement en énergie de la nature conduit à la situation dans laquelle le corps souffre de la sécheresse, quoique simple, à une forte baisse de l'énergie et de se sentir fatigué. Par conséquent, vous devez être conscient que vous avez soif, mais indique, en effet, de vous en cas de sécheresse, peuvent causer de la fatigue, une faiblesse musculaire, des étourdissements et d'autres symptômes. Donc, assurez-vous de prier, mais à un état ​​de soif à tout moment de la journée. 4 à vendre. Médicament efficace pour les maux de tête maux de tête sont considérées comme une offre d'un autre symptôme de déshydratation, ce qui est souvent la cause des maux de tête est de ne pas boire assez d'eau. Il ya plusieurs raisons pour les maux de tête, mais le plus commun d'entre eux ne boit pas assez d'eau. Donc, assurez-vous de boire 8-10 verres d'eau par jour .. 5. L'eau potable améliore votre peau peut boire de l'eau pour blanchir leur peau et lui donner dispose d'aspect brillant, brillant, de la jeunesse et de la santé. Bien sûr, cette chose ne se produise pas du jour au lendemain, mais après avoir bu des quantités suffisantes d'eau pour une semaine ou plus. 6. L'eau contribue à améliorer le fonctionnement du système digestif système digestif a besoin de grandes quantités d'eau afin de digérer les aliments correctement. Et contribue souvent à l'eau dans le traitement des troubles de l'acidité de l'estomac. L'eau a, avec l'aide de fibres alimentaires, le traitement des problèmes de constipation, puisque l'une des raisons de la constipation notable est l'absence de boire une quantité suffisante de Almia. 7. Detox eau est un moyen merveilleux et très important de nettoyer le corps des toxines et des déchets, en particulier lorsque vous buvez de l'eau sur un estomac vide. 8. Réduire le risque de cancer, en plus de tout ce qui concerne le système digestif, peut conduire à boire de l'eau bonne quantité pour réduire le risque de cancer du côlon d'environ 45%. Les études relatives à ce sujet a également montré que boire suffisamment d'eau sur une base quotidienne peut réduire le risque de cancer de la vessie de 50% et peut-être même de réduire la probabilité de développer un cancer du sein. 9. Améliore l'exercice peut améliorer l'eau potable pendant l'exercice de votre performance dans toutes les questions relatives à l'exercice de l'activité physique de l'antenne, exercices forts aussi d'améliorer le travail et la capacité du cœur et les poumons. Ajoutez à tout cela dit, peut contribuer à l'eau potable en quantités appropriées dans le traitement des maux de dos , où des comprimés épine dorsale de taux élevés de l'eau composée, contribue aussi au traitement de l'asthme, l'hypertension artérielle, des nausées de grossesse, les calculs rénaux, réduit également la douleur musculaire, mais il améliore même la santé dentaire et contribue à améliorer la capacité de concentration. Si Quelles sont la quantité recommandée d'eau à boire pendant la journée? médecins et les nutritionnistes recommandent l'homme bon à boire environ 3,7 litres d'eau par jour, tandis que les femmes sont recommandés pour boire environ 2,7 litres par jour. Bien sûr, vous devez prendre en compte la nécessité de traiter un grand nombre de groupes d'aliments au cours de la journée, en particulier les fruits et légumes, qui contiennent une grande quantité d'eau. Aussi, il ya une relation étroite entre la quantité d'eau que nous consommons tous les jours et le montant de notre énergie, notre poids, nous avons mis la santé, le climat volatile dans le quartier résidentiel. En d'autres mots, nous répétons le slogan désormais acceptée partout dans le monde: veillez à boire entre 8-10 verres d'eau par jour et des informations supplémentaires ainsi sur une variété de bienfaits pour la santé que je vous ai parlé. Santé et bien-être!
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
We all know what is good for us *, but we sometimes do not know why. For example, since childhood, we hear about the importance of drinking plenty of water, but many of us have not been able to implement this habit. Perhaps this article could finally convince you to start drinking lots of water, when you understand some of the potential benefits of this article, who constitute about 70 percent of body mass. 1. the reduction of the weight of the water is one of the best ways to reduce the weight. First of all, can water to replace high-calorie drinks such as soda, fruit juices, various soft drinks, coffee, tea, etc, all these drinks contain large amounts of calories, and so the body water prevents to obtain large quantities and those redundant. In addition, drinking water to anorexia can cause gives also the feeling of fullness in the stomach on. In addition, drinking water before a meal and which can lead to more consumption is less than the amount of calories, carbohydrates and fat, as one of satiety and fullness stomach feels easier. Tried, as much as possible, the inclusion of water in your diet and you therefore add the chances of its success. 2. the water is good for health can reduce drinking sufficient amounts of water on a regular basis of the risk of heart attack. A study it six years ago in the United States revealed that people who drink more than 5 cups of water per day reduced their risk of heart attack by 41% over the period of the study, compared with those who drank less than two cups of water per day. 3. the supply of energy of nature leads to the situation in which the body suffers from drought, albeit simple, to a sharp decline in energy and feel tired. Therefore, you should be aware that you are thirsty, but indicates, in fact, to drought, can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness and other symptoms. So make sure to pray, but to a State of thirst at any time of the day. 4 for sale. Effective medication for headaches headaches are considered to be an offer of another symptom of dehydration, which is often the cause of the headache is not drinking enough water. There are several reasons for sore head, but the most common of them does not drink enough water. Therefore, be sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day... 5. drinking water improves your skin can drink water to whiten their skin and give it has bright, shiny look, youth and health. Of course, this thing does not happen overnight, but after day drinking adequate amounts of water for a week or more. 6. water helps to improve the functioning of the system digestive digestive system needs large amounts of water to digest food properly. And often contributes to water in the treatment of disorders of the acidity of the stomach. Water has, with the help of dietary fibre, the treatment of constipation problems, since one of the reasons for the significant constipation is the absence of a sufficient amount of Almia drink. 7 Detox water is a wonderful and very important to cleanse the body of toxins and wastes, in particular when you drink the water on an empty stomach. 8 reduce the risk of cancer, in addition to everything concerning the digestive system, can lead to drink water right amount to reduce the risk of cancer of the colon by approximately 45%. Also, studies on this subject showed that drinking enough water on a daily basis can reduce the risk of cancer of the bladder by 50% and perhaps even to reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer. 9 improves exercise can improve the drinking water for the exercise of your performance in all matters relating to the exercise of the physical activity of the antenna, strong exercises also improve the work and the ability of the heart and lungs. Add to all that being said, can contribute to drinking water in quantities appropriate for the treatment of back pain, where the backbone of high levels of the compound water tablets, contributes also to the treatment of asthma, hypertension, nausea of pregnancy, kidney stones, reduces muscle pain also, but it improves even dental health and helps improve the ability to concentrate. If what are the recommended amount of water to drink during the day? doctors and nutritionists recommend human good to drink approximately 3.7 liters of water per day, while women are recommended to drink approximately 2.7 liters per day. Of course, you must take into account the need to treat a large number of groups of food during the day, in particular fruit and vegetables, which contain a large amount of water. Also, there is a close relationship between the amount of water we consume every day and the amount of our energy, our weight, we have health, volatile climate in the residential area. In other words, we repeat the slogan now accepted everywhere in the world: be sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day with additional information as well on a variety of health benefits that I told you. Health and well-being!
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
We all know what is good for us *, but we sometimes do not know why. For example, since childhood, we hear about the importance of drinking plenty of water, but many of us have not been able to implement this habit. Perhaps this article could finally convince you to start drinking lots of water, when you understand some of the potential benefits of this article, which constitute about 70 percent of body weight. 1. The reduction of water weight is one of the best ways to reduce weight. First, can the water to replace the high-calorie beverages such as soda, fruit juices, various soft drinks, coffee, tea, etc., all these beverages contain large amounts of calories, and therefore, the body avoids drinking water to obtain large quantities and those redundant. In addition, drinking water can lead to anorexia also gives the feeling of fullness in the stomach relative. In addition, drinking water before a meal and can lead to more consumption is less than the amount of calories, carbohydrates and lipids, as one of satiety and stomach fullness feels more easily. Tried, whenever possible, the inclusion of water in your diet and you then add the chances of its success. 2. Water is good for health can reduce drinking enough water on a regular basis the risk of heart attack. A study six years ago in the United States found that people who drink more than 5 cups of water per day reduced their risk of heart attack by 41% during the study period, compared to those who drank less than two cups of water a day. 3. The supply of energy of nature led to the situation in which the body suffers from drought, though simple, a sharp decline in energy and feeling tired. Therefore, you should be aware that you are thirsty, but said, in fact, you in case of drought, can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness and other symptoms. So be sure to pray, but to a state of thirst at any time of the day. 4 for sale. Effective drug for headaches headaches are considered an offer from another symptom of dehydration, which is often the cause of headaches is not drinking enough water. There are many reasons for headaches, but the most common of them do not drink enough water. So make sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day .. 5. Drinking water improves your skin can drink water to whiten their skin and give it features shiny, gloss, youth and health. Of course, this thing does not happen overnight, but after drinking adequate amounts of water for a week or more. 6. Water helps to improve the digestive system digestive system needs large amounts of water to digest food properly. And often contributes to the water in the treatment of disorders of the stomach acid. Water has, with the help of dietary fiber, the treatment of constipation, since one of the reasons for the notable absence of constipation is to drink a sufficient amount of Almia. 7. Water Detox is a wonderful and very important way to cleanse the body of toxins and waste, especially when you drink water on an empty stomach. 8. Reduce the risk of cancer, in addition to everything related to the digestive system, can lead to drink water right amount to reduce the risk of colon cancer by about 45%. Studies on this topic also showed that drinking enough water on a daily basis can reduce 50% of bladder cancer risk and perhaps even reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer. 9. Improves exercise can improve drinking water while exercising your performance in all matters relating to the practice of physical activity of the antenna, strong exercises also improve the work and capacity of heart and lungs. Add to all this said, can contribute to clean water in appropriate amounts in the treatment of back pain, where high rates of tablets spine backbone composed of water, also contributes to the treatment of asthma, hypertension blood, pregnancy nausea, kidney stones, also reduces muscle pain, but it even improves dental health and helps improve concentration. What if the recommended amount of water to drink during the day? Doctors and nutritionists recommend a good man to drink about 3.7 liters of water per day, while women are recommended to drink about 2.7 liters per day. Of course, you must take into account the need to process a large number of food groups throughout the day, especially fruits and vegetables, which contain a large amount of water. Also, there is a close relationship between the amount of water we consume every day and the amount of our energy, our weight, we have health, volatile climate in the residential area. In other words, we repeat the slogan now accepted all over the world: Make sure to drink between 8-10 glasses of water a day and additional information as well on a variety of health benefits that I mentioned. Health and wellbeing!
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
we all know what is good for us, but we do not know why, sometimes not. for example, since the childhood, we are talking about the importance of drinking a lot of water, but many of us have not been able to implement it. perhaps this article will finally convince you to start drinking a lot of water.if you understand some of the potential benefits of this article, which is about 70% of the body weight. 1. the reduction in the weight of the water is one of the best ways to reduce the weight. first of all, the water to replace high calorie beverages such as soda, fruit juice, soft drinks, coffee, tea, etc.all these drinks contain large amounts of calories and, therefore, the body of water is to obtain large quantities and redundant. in addition, the water in the anorexia can cause also the sense of accomplishment in my stomach. in addition,drinking water before a meal and can lead to more consumption is less than the amount of calories, carbohydrates, and lipids, such as satiety and fullness of stomach is more easily. try, as far as possible, the inclusion of water in your diet and you add the chance of success.the water is good for your health, drinking sufficient amounts of water can be reduced on a regular basis, the risk of a heart attack. a study six years ago in the united states has found that people who drink more than 5 cups of water per day to reduce their risk of heart attack was 41% during the period of the study, compared with those who drank less than 2 cups per day of water.3. the supply of nature led to a situation in which the body is suffering from drought, although simple, a sharp decline in energy and feel tired. therefore, you should be aware that you're thirsty, but, in fact, do you a drought can cause fatigue, weakness.dizziness and other symptoms. so, make sure you request, but in a state of water at any time of the day. 4 to sell. effective medicine for headache, headache is considered to be a supply of a symptom of dehydration, which is often the cause of headache is not drinking enough water. there are several reasons for the headaches.however, the most common of them doesn't drink enough water. so, be sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. 5. drinking water improves your skin can drink water to clear the skin and give it has glossy, bright, youth and health. of course, this does not happen overnight.but after drinking sufficient amounts of water for a week or more. 6. the water helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system digestive system needs large quantities of water to digest food properly. and often contributes to the water in the treatment of disorders of the acidity of the stomach. the water with the help of dietary fibre.treatment of constipation problems, since one of the major reasons is the lack of constipation for a sufficient amount of almia. 7. water is a key and very important. to clean the body of toxins and waste, especially when you drink water on an empty stomach. 8. to reduce the risk of most of the digestive tract, which can lead to water quantity in order to reduce the risk of colon cancer by about 45%. the studies on this subject showed that drinking plenty of water on a daily basis can reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50%, and possibly reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer. improve the performance, can improve the drinking water during your performance in all matters relating to the exercise of the activity of the antenna to improve the exercise strength and the ability of the heart and lungs. add to all this, can contribute to drinking water in appropriate quantities for the treatment of back pain.where film backbone of high rates of water formed, also contributes to the treatment of asthma, high blood pressure, nausea of pregnancy, kidney stones, also reduces muscle pain, but it is the dental health and helps to improve the ability of concentration. so what is the recommended amount of water to drink during the day?doctors and nutritionists recommend a good man to have around 3.7 litres of water per day, while women are recommended to drink about 2.7 litres per day. of course, you have to take into account the need to address a large number of food groups, in the course of the day, in particular fruit and vegetables, which contain a large amount of water. also,there is a close relationship between the amount of water that we consume every day, and the amount of energy, we put our weight, health, climate and volatile in the residential area. in other words, we repeat the slogan now accepted everywhere in the sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, and additional information on a variety of health benefits that i told you about. health and well being.
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