The Episode starts with Dadi telling Pragya, Akash and Rachna that she ترجمة - The Episode starts with Dadi telling Pragya, Akash and Rachna that she العربية كيف أقول

The Episode starts with Dadi tellin

The Episode starts with Dadi telling Pragya, Akash and Rachna that she has failed Tanu’s plans and has convinced him that Pragya might acted to have affair with Champak to take revenge from him. Pragya asks then why did he eat sandwich from Tanu’s hands then? Dadi says he was taking your test. She tells Pragya that Abhi didn’t throw her out of the house, as he still loves her and wants her to return in his life. Pragya asks then why did she sleep in your room and not in my room. Tanu asks Abhi to take divorce from Pragya. Abhi says Pragya is doing this helplessly, and says I have been unfair to her, and taking care of you rather than her. She might be felt that she needs someone and that’s why have affair with Champak. Tanu thinks Dadi is ruining her plan. Abhi says Dadi is

right, I didn’t give her love and care which she deserve. Tanu asks him not to talk to Dadi. She says Dadi has to understand that Pragya has betrayed you since beginning. Abhi says may be Pragya thinks of Champak as her friend and may be Champak is after her. He says I have to forgive her and make her understand that she is wrong. Tanu says this is not right. Abhi asks her to go and says he has some work. He says I have to make Pragya understand that whatever she is doing is right. Tanu thinks plan was hit, but flopped now. She thinks she has to do something and sees Mitali. She asks if she forgot the chilli. Mitali says no, and says she was looking at her condition. Tanu gets irked and goes.
Dadi gets up and asks them to hear carefully. She tells Pragya that if Abhi doesn’t love you, then why he did he think of proposing you. She says Abhi was jealous seeing you with Champak. Pragya hugs her and says mistake is mine. Just like he didn’t trust me, I did the same. She says I will never doubt on him or his love. Dadi asks her to have faith on her love. Rachna says Tanu can’t come between you both.

Tanu comes to Nikhil’s house. Nikhil says he was going out to have food. Tanu asks him about Champak and asks him to call him back. Nikhil asks why? Tanu says we need him. Nikhil asks why? Tanu says Dadi has ruined our plan, and filled his ears saying that Pragya is right and have affair with Champak as she didn’t get love from Abhi. Nikhil gets angry. Tanu says Abhi is thinking to help and care Pragya, so that she doesn’t get trapped in wrong relation. She asks him to call Champak to Mehra house for 2 days. Nikhil says he charges more. Tanu says we have to do this. Abhi makes list of the things to impress Pragya. Pragya comes to room and thinks Abhi might have proposed me by now, if Champak wouldn’t have come. Abhi comes near Pragya. Pragya thinks about Dadi’s words asking her to go to Abhi if he takes a step towards her. They think what to do after going near. Pragya falls in his arms. Allah Wariyan plays………..They have an eye lock. Abhi thinks she might have cried all night, but her eyes are so beautiful even now. Pragya thinks he is looking handsome. They start arguing. Pragya asks who left the room yesterday. Robin comes and calls her name. Pragya says you came on line.

Abhi says Robin came. Pragya thinks Sarla has come and asks Robin to tell her that she will come in 2 mins. Robin says Sarla didn’t come, but your friend Champas Das came. Pragya goes running. Abhi thinks he has to find out about him. Dasi and Tai ji are shocked seeing Champak. Mitali says I have won the bet and asks them to give money. Tai ji makes excuses. Taya ji asks his wife to give money to Mitali. Taya ji asks Dasi to give money, but she asks Mitali to forbidden her and says she will support her always. Rachna informs Dadi that Champak came again. Dadi thinks she made everything fine, but this Champak will ruin everything again. Tanu comes infront of Pragya and asks if she is so eager to meet her boyfriend, and asks her to marry Champak. Pragya says you have to marry and that with Nikhil. She asks her not to come infront of her, else she will fall for sure.
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
The Episode starts with Dadi telling Pragya, Akash and Rachna that she has failed Tanu’s plans and has convinced him that Pragya might acted to have affair with Champak to take revenge from him. Pragya asks then why did he eat sandwich from Tanu’s hands then? Dadi says he was taking your test. She tells Pragya that Abhi didn’t throw her out of the house, as he still loves her and wants her to return in his life. Pragya asks then why did she sleep in your room and not in my room. Tanu asks Abhi to take divorce from Pragya. Abhi says Pragya is doing this helplessly, and says I have been unfair to her, and taking care of you rather than her. She might be felt that she needs someone and that’s why have affair with Champak. Tanu thinks Dadi is ruining her plan. Abhi says Dadi isright, I didn’t give her love and care which she deserve. Tanu asks him not to talk to Dadi. She says Dadi has to understand that Pragya has betrayed you since beginning. Abhi says may be Pragya thinks of Champak as her friend and may be Champak is after her. He says I have to forgive her and make her understand that she is wrong. Tanu says this is not right. Abhi asks her to go and says he has some work. He says I have to make Pragya understand that whatever she is doing is right. Tanu thinks plan was hit, but flopped now. She thinks she has to do something and sees Mitali. She asks if she forgot the chilli. Mitali says no, and says she was looking at her condition. Tanu gets irked and goes.Dadi gets up and asks them to hear carefully. She tells Pragya that if Abhi doesn’t love you, then why he did he think of proposing you. She says Abhi was jealous seeing you with Champak. Pragya hugs her and says mistake is mine. Just like he didn’t trust me, I did the same. She says I will never doubt on him or his love. Dadi asks her to have faith on her love. Rachna says Tanu can’t come between you both.Tanu comes to Nikhil’s house. Nikhil says he was going out to have food. Tanu asks him about Champak and asks him to call him back. Nikhil asks why? Tanu says we need him. Nikhil asks why? Tanu says Dadi has ruined our plan, and filled his ears saying that Pragya is right and have affair with Champak as she didn’t get love from Abhi. Nikhil gets angry. Tanu says Abhi is thinking to help and care Pragya, so that she doesn’t get trapped in wrong relation. She asks him to call Champak to Mehra house for 2 days. Nikhil says he charges more. Tanu says we have to do this. Abhi makes list of the things to impress Pragya. Pragya comes to room and thinks Abhi might have proposed me by now, if Champak wouldn’t have come. Abhi comes near Pragya. Pragya thinks about Dadi’s words asking her to go to Abhi if he takes a step towards her. They think what to do after going near. Pragya falls in his arms. Allah Wariyan plays………..They have an eye lock. Abhi thinks she might have cried all night, but her eyes are so beautiful even now. Pragya thinks he is looking handsome. They start arguing. Pragya asks who left the room yesterday. Robin comes and calls her name. Pragya says you came on line.Abhi says Robin came. Pragya thinks Sarla has come and asks Robin to tell her that she will come in 2 mins. Robin says Sarla didn’t come, but your friend Champas Das came. Pragya goes running. Abhi thinks he has to find out about him. Dasi and Tai ji are shocked seeing Champak. Mitali says I have won the bet and asks them to give money. Tai ji makes excuses. Taya ji asks his wife to give money to Mitali. Taya ji asks Dasi to give money, but she asks Mitali to forbidden her and says she will support her always. Rachna informs Dadi that Champak came again. Dadi thinks she made everything fine, but this Champak will ruin everything again. Tanu comes infront of Pragya and asks if she is so eager to meet her boyfriend, and asks her to marry Champak. Pragya says you have to marry and that with Nikhil. She asks her not to come infront of her, else she will fall for sure.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
تبدأ الحلقة مع دادي يقول براجيا، عكاش وراتشنا أنها فشلت خطط و Tanu وقد أقنعه بأن براجيا قد تصرف لديك علاقة مع Champak للانتقام منه. براجيا يسأل ثم لماذا كان يأكل شطيرة من أيدي و Tanu آنذاك؟ يقول دادي كان يأخذ الاختبار. تقول براجيا أن أبهي لم يلق لها للخروج من المنزل، كما انه لا يزال يحبها ويريد لها بالعودة في حياته. براجيا يسأل ثم لماذا أنها لم ينام في الغرفة الخاصة بك وليس في غرفتي. TANU يسأل أبهي لاتخاذ الطلاق من براجيا. يقول أبهي براجيا يفعل ذلك بلا حول ولا قوة، ويقول لقد كنت غير عادل لها، ورعاية لك وليس لها. قد يرى انها انها في حاجة شخص ما وهذا هو السبب لدينا علاقة مع Champak. TANU يعتقد دادي وتخريب خطة لها. يقول أبهي دادي هو الصحيح، وأنا لا يعطيها الحب والرعاية التي كانت تستحق. TANU يطلب منه عدم التحدث إلى دادي. تقول دادي أن يفهم أن براجيا قد خانك منذ البداية. يقول أبهي قد يكون براجيا يفكر في Champak كصديق لها، وربما يكون Champak هو اسمها. ويقول لدي أن يغفر لها وجعل لها فهم أنها خاطئة. يقول TANU هذا ليس صحيحا. أبهي طلب منها أن تذهب وتقول لديه بعض الأعمال. ويقول لقد جعل براجيا نفهم أن كل ما تفعله هو الصواب. أصيبت TANU يعتقد الخطة، ولكن متخبط الآن. وقالت انها تعتقد أنها يجب أن تفعل شيئا، ويرى ميتالي. وسألت إذا أنها نسيت الفلفل. ميتالى يقول لا، وتقول إنها كانت تبحث في حالتها. TANU يحصل أغضب ويذهب. دادي يحصل على أعلى ويطلب منهم أن يسمع بعناية. تقول براجيا أنه إذا أبهي لا أحبك، ثم لماذا فعل يفكر في اقتراح لك. وتقول: كان أبهي غيور رؤيتكم مع Champak. براجيا العناق لها ويقول خطأ من الألغام. تماما مثل انه لا يثق بي، وأنا فعلت الشيء نفسه. وتقول: أنا سوف أشك أبدا عليه أو حبه. دادي يسألها لدينا إيمان على حبها. يقول راتشنا و Tanu لا يمكن أن يأتي بين لكم على حد سواء. و Tanu يأتي إلى منزل نيخيل ل. يقول نيخيل كان الخروج أن يكون الطعام. TANU فسأله عن Champak ويطلب منه أن يدعو له بالعودة. نيخيل يسأل لماذا؟ يقول TANU نحن بحاجة اليه. نيخيل يسأل لماذا؟ يقول TANU دادي دمر خطتنا، وملأ أذنيه قائلا ان براجيا على حق ولها علاقة مع Champak لأنها لم تحصل على الحب من أبهي. نيخيل يغضب. يقول TANU أبهي يفكر في مساعدة ورعاية براجيا، بحيث أنها لا تحصل على المحاصرين في علاقة خاطئة. تسأله أن يدعو Champak إلى منزل ميهرا لمدة 2 أيام. يقول نيخيل انه يتقاضى أكثر. يقول TANU علينا أن نفعل هذا. أبهي قائمة من الأشياء لإقناع براجيا يجعل. براجيا يأتي إلى غرفة ويعتقد أبهي قد اقترح لي الآن، إذا Champak لن يكون القادمة. أبهي يقترب براجيا. براجيا يفكر الكلمات دادي لمطالبتها للذهاب إلى أبهي إذا كان يأخذ خطوة تجاهها. كانوا يعتقدون ما يجب القيام به بعد الاقتراب. براجيا يقع في ذراعيه. يلعب الله Wariyan ......... ..They يكون لها قفل العين. أبهي يعتقد أنها قد بكى طوال الليل، ولكن عينيها جميلة جدا حتى الآن. براجيا يعتقد انه يبحث سيم. يبدأون معتبرة. براجيا يسأل الذي غادر الغرفة أمس. روبن يأتي ويدعو اسمها. يقول براجيا جئت على الخط. يقول أبهي جاء روبن. براجيا يعتقد سارلا قد يأتي ويسأل روبن ليقول لها انها سوف تأتي في 2 دقيقة. يقول روبن لم سارلا لا يأتي، ولكن جاء صديقك Champas داس. يذهب براجيا تشغيل. أبهي يعتقد ان لديه لمعرفة عنه. وصدم داسي وتاي جي رؤية Champak. يقول ميتالى لقد فاز الرهان ويطلب منهم ان يقدموا المال. تاي جي يجعل الأعذار. الطايع جي يسأل زوجته لإعطاء المال لميتالي. الطايع جي يسأل داسي لإعطاء المال، ولكن تتساءل ميتالى إلى محرم لها، وتقول إنها ستدعم لها دائما. راتشنا يبلغ دادي أن Champak جاء مرة أخرى. دادي يعتقد أنها قدمت كل شيء على ما يرام، ولكن هذا Champak تدمر كل شيء من جديد. TANU يأتي امام من براجيا ويسأل إذا كانت متلهفة للقاء صديقها، ويطلب يدها للزواج Champak. يقول براجيا لديك في الزواج وأنه مع نيخيل. وسألت لها بعدم الحضور امام عينيها، إلا أنها ستقع بالتأكيد.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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