(Fanfic) Tokyo ghoul re chapter 60: antieku
Kaneki: Furuta wait out here for a moment please.
Furuta: as you wish, associate special class (bows)
Scene changes to kaneki and takatsuki.
Kaneki is smiling similar to how he was on the last pannel of 59.
Takatsuki:(with a smile) so u finally came to see me kaneki- kun. I assumed u forgot about me I was getting lonely
Kaneki changes to a serious expression quickly and has a menacing look to him
Kaneki: stop it with the charade... You are foolish if you believe my intentions for coming here have anything do with saving you from your lonelyness.
Takatsuki: ok so what seems to be the issue Mr. investigator
Kaneki: That night on the roof I decided to let you escape, and besides that i also decided I would not give any details about you to the ccg
Takatsuki:(smiling) I anticipated nothing less from you, you must really like me huh Takatsuki moves closer to kaneki in a flirty manner
Kaneki: like you? You must have misunderstood my intentions takatsuki san
Kaneki: I did what I did and I am not disclosing your information to the ccg due to Yoshimura's wishes.
Takatsuki: what's suprising to me is that u are so considerate of my fathers wishes, from what I heard the black reaper is one who lacks feelings, is that incorrect?
Kaneki: that is not important NOW let me cut to the chase, the ccg is putting all they have into taking down aogiri but they have no traces on who the king is. Do you want it to stay that way?
(Furuta is shown listening outside the door smirking)
Takatsuki: Now of coursee
Kaneki: help me free hinami chan from the cochlea
Takatsuki: breaking into Cochela is no easy task you are aware if this right? It's possible but definantly not easy.
Kaneki: that is true but only without inside help from a associate special class would it prove to be difficult. Besides if you don't play along both you and aogiri will be dealing with something far more difficult in the future.... so what do you say? Are you on board takatsuki san?
Takatsuki: you got a deal, ayato kun will be ecstatic to hear we are saving his Dear sidekick.
Takatsuki: but why do you need my help, isnt your strength plus your inside knowledge enough to do this on your own?
Kaneki: My answer is....
Scene switches, Kaneki is on a roof with touka, yomo,nishiki,shuu and miramo tsukiama all with masks on looking badass except for kaneki
Kaneki:(his answer to eto)A tree without roots is bound to fall eventually which I've experienced myself, in otherwords I've come to the understand everything cannot be done by me alone.
(Speaking to team) Kaneki: for the past few months we have planned for this and recently I've gotten aogiri to temporarily side with us. Our chances of failure have changed from 35% to 15%.. please come out of this alive everyone.
Touka: gasps eyes widen (thinking of her brother and says in her head) so he's coming
Yomo: ....
Tsukiama: father let's avenge our fallen.( with the hand motions he always does looking really excited)
Miramo: of course my son.
Kaneki: ill cause a disruption on the inside, the moment this ccg concludes I'm a traitor all their focus will be on me when I give the signal move in cause havoc.. don't worry aogiri will follow shortly to back you guys up.
Touka: what about you kaneki
Kaneki:(smiles) no need to worry about me remember.. im ccgs new god of death.
Chapter end
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
(Fanfic) طوكيو الغول إعادة الفصل 60: أنتيكوكانيكي: فوروتا الانتظار هنا للحظة رجاء.فوروتا: كما يحلو لك، إقران الفئة الخاصة (الأقواس)المشهد يتغير إلى كانيكي وتاكتسوكي.هو يبتسم كانيكي مماثلة إلى كيف كان في الماضي بانيل من 59.تاكتسوكي: (وهو يبتسم) حتى يو أخيرا جاء لمشاهدة لي كون كانيكي. يفترض يو نسيت عني كنت الحصول على وحيداكانيكي يتغير إلى تعبير خطير بسرعة ولديه نظرة تهديد لهكانيكي: وقفه مع المهزلة... أنت أحمق إذا كنت تعتقد أن نيتي على حضوركم هنا بأي شيء تفعله مع إنقاذ لك من الوحدة الخاصة بك.تاكتسوكي: طيب حتى ما يبدو أن قضية السيد المحققكانيكي: تلك الليلة على السطح قررت السماح لك الهروب، وإلى جانب ذلك أيضا قررت أنا لن يعطي أي تفاصيل عنك سیTakatsuki:(smiling) كان متوقعا شيئا أقل من لك، يجب عليك حقاً مثل لي هوة تاكتسوكي تقترب من كانيكي في طريقة ليرتيكانيكي: مثلك؟ يجب أن يكون أساء فهم بلدي سان تاكتسوكي النواياكانيكي: فعلت ما فعلت، وأنا أشعر بعدم الإفصاح عن المعلومات الخاصة بك إلى سی بسبب الرغبات في يوشيمورا.تاكتسوكي: الأمر مفاجئاً بالنسبة لي هو أن كنت حتى مراعاة لرغبات الآباء بلدي، من ما سمعت حصاده الأسود هو الذي يفتقر إلى المشاعر، وهذا غير صحيح؟كانيكي: وهذا ليس المهم الآن اسمحوا لي أن قطع للمطاردة، سی هو وضع كل ما لديهم في اتخاذ أسفل أوجيري لكن لديهم أي آثار على الذي الملك. هل تريد أن تبقى على هذا النحو؟(Furuta is shown listening outside the door smirking)Takatsuki: Now of courseeKaneki: help me free hinami chan from the cochleaTakatsuki: breaking into Cochela is no easy task you are aware if this right? It's possible but definantly not easy.Kaneki: that is true but only without inside help from a associate special class would it prove to be difficult. Besides if you don't play along both you and aogiri will be dealing with something far more difficult in the future.... so what do you say? Are you on board takatsuki san?Takatsuki: you got a deal, ayato kun will be ecstatic to hear we are saving his Dear sidekick.Takatsuki: but why do you need my help, isnt your strength plus your inside knowledge enough to do this on your own?Kaneki: My answer is....Scene switches, Kaneki is on a roof with touka, yomo,nishiki,shuu and miramo tsukiama all with masks on looking badass except for kanekiKaneki:(his answer to eto)A tree without roots is bound to fall eventually which I've experienced myself, in otherwords I've come to the understand everything cannot be done by me alone.(Speaking to team) Kaneki: for the past few months we have planned for this and recently I've gotten aogiri to temporarily side with us. Our chances of failure have changed from 35% to 15%.. please come out of this alive everyone.Touka: gasps eyes widen (thinking of her brother and says in her head) so he's comingYomo: ....تسوكياما: الأب دعونا الثأر لدينا الساقطة. (مع حركات اليد دائماً يفعل يبحث متحمس)ميرامو: طبعا ابني.كانيكي: سوء يسبب اضطرابا في الداخل، في الوقت الحالي ويختتم هذا سی أنا خائن كل التركيز سيكون على لي عندما أعطى الإشارة التحرك بسبب الخراب... لا تقلق سوف اتبع أوجيري قريبا لاحتياطي رفاق.تويوكا: ماذا عن كانيكي لكلا داعي للقلق حول لي تذكر Kaneki:(smiles)... إيم ككجس الله جديدة من الموت.نهاية الفصل
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..