Professionals may experience some tough situations this week. Superiors might pressurise you to perform efficiently to meet deadlines. It may actually be very discouraging for you, but you appear to have no option but to focus on the task at hand and remain patient, says Ganesha. Businessmen may also have a difficult time. Getting new customers and new deals might prove to be a tough task. Some bottlenecks may not let you perform to the optimum level. Moreover, you might not get any respite from the uneasy situation in your marital life. You should make concerted efforts to raise your level of compatibility for the sake of peace and harmony in conjugal life. Singles looking to enjoy romance could get a favourable response from the concerned person, which will raise your spirits. Venus enters Scorpio in the 9th House over the weekend. You shall now feel relieved as the pressure may ease out, and luck may start favouring you.