2.) What are the important tags i need to know for this event?
Zeki SS - This will be the main tag, you need to tag the following to this tag;
- Your form
- Your gift
- Any comments on the event that isn’t really a question (such as possible advertisement?)
Zeki SS asks - This will be the tag in which you can view questions that have been asked about this event, just in case you are going to ask the same question.
3.) How are pairings selected?
I will individually put names on pieces of paper and draw it out of a hat.
4.) What if i need to drop out of the event?
Please try to tell us as soon as possible so that we can arrange for someone else to give something to your secret Santa We don’t want anyone being left out!
5.) Will you be participating since you are doing the pairing select?
Yes i will be participating, and i will also put my name in the hat, so not fret i will not cheat in anyway lol I will be first to fill out the form so that you can see what it should look like