Interviewer: Dr Baker, can you tell us about the energy our bodies use? Dr Baker: Sure. Many people don't realize that most of the body's energy 60 to 70 per cent s used just for body functions like heartbeat, respiration, and maintaining body temperature Interviewer: Really? Almost three quarters of our energy is used just to keep the body working? Dr Baker: That's right. Of course, if we do any kind of physical activity, we use more energy. I'm thinking of things like sports, manual work, or housework. This represents another 20 to 30 per cent of the total energy output of the body Interviewer: That leaves about 10 to 20 per cent. How do we use that? Dr Baker: That last 10 to 20 per cent of energy is used to digest food Interviewer: So, we use energy to eat? Dr Baker: Yes, to eat and to digest our food. Interviewer: Right. Where does our energy come from? Dr Baker: Mainly from calories, which we get from different types of food. Interviewer: That's very interesting. What