Transition and Idea
This session will focus on some of the history of transition as well as why it has been included in IDEA.
In Session 1, you will:
Understand the primary reasons transition is included in IDEA;
Identify the key concepts of transition: results-oriented, student-centered, and coordinated effort;
Apply the concepts of results-oriented, student-centered, and coordinated effort to a case study.
Before we actually get into the details of best practices, we should first address why transition is a priority and why it is included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Question 1 of 5
1. Transition was included in IDEA because the first special education students to exit high school were successful in achieving positive post-school adult outcomes such as living on their own, having a well-paying job, and attending postsecondary education in record numbers.
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