Case study- AlKhor Company1. Is there an earnings management problem i ترجمة - Case study- AlKhor Company1. Is there an earnings management problem i العربية كيف أقول

Case study- AlKhor Company1. Is the

Case study- AlKhor Company
1. Is there an earnings management problem in the above case study? Explain the problem in details if any.
As per the given case study, AlKhor Company has reported QAR 200,000 (2012), 250,000 (2013) and 300000 (2014). Again, in the year 2015, the company wants to provide a warranty of 70,000 when only 50,000 was likely to be estimated. This looks like more of earnings management problem. In this type of problem, the management tries to smoothen the earnings of the company over the years so that the earnings show a stability of income and investors get attracted to by the stocks of the company. By adopting the extra conservative approach, the management is aggravating earnings management in the company.
2. If the controller accepted to record a QAR 70,000 warranty expense in 2015, would this be counted as a violation to the generally accepted accounting principles? Identify and discuss the accounting principle that would be violated, if any.
On acceptance of a warranty expense of QAR 70,000 in the year 2015, the company will be providing for extra expense of QAR 20000 for the next year. This means that the company will be providing for an expense pertaining to the next year. This is against the accrual system of accounting which is mandatorily required to be followed by all profit seeking organizations as per the Generally accepted Accounting principles (GAAP). Under the accrual system, the company needs to provide for corresponding expenses in the same year when the sales have undertaken. Then only the financial statements are able to depict a true and fair view of the operations and economy of the company. Hence, by recording the warranty expense of QAR 70,000, the principle of accrual will be violated as per the GAAP.

3. Assume that the net income before warranty expense for each of 2015 and 2016 is QAR 430,000 and that total warranty expense over the 2-year period is QAR 100,000. What is the effect of the proposed accounting treatment on the income statements of 2015 and 2016?
In case the earnings before providing for the warranty expense for each year would be QAR 430000 i.e. for 2015 and 2016 and the total amount to warranty expense is QAR 100,000 (therefore each year income (100000/2=QAR 50,000) the total affect for all the two years would lead to earnings management problem in the company. This is due to the following reasons:-
• In the year 2015, the company will have to report its earnings as 430000-70000= QAR 360000 which would be an understatement by 20000 (70,000-50000)
• In the year 2016, the company will be reporting its earnings as 430000 which would be an overstatement by 20000 (70,000-50000)
To conclude, if this position is depicted in the financial statements of the AlKhor Company, the investors would clearly see that the company is increasing its revenue year after year and hence progressing in a sound manner. They would hence get deceived. The management would be successful in earnings management.
4. Discuss the negative consequences that might be caused by the earnings management practices.
The negative consequences that might be caused by the earnings management practices are enlisted hereunder:-
• Violation of accounting principles- By following earnings management system, the accounting principles like accrual basis of accounting is violated. This is not accepted by GAAP, the adherence of which is mandatory.
• Disadvantageous in short term also- even though earnings management is followed in short term to smoothen the earnings, other aspects of operations will be negatively affected in some form or the other. The adjustment would not last long.
• Cheating the investors- the investors are innocent and rely on the financial statements for investing their hard core money. By earnings management, they are deceived and often go for wrong investments.
• Wrong depiction of financials- The financial statements if depicted by earnings management do not show a clear picture of a company. This makes comparisons, forecast and dependability inaccurate.

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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
Case study- AlKhor Company1. Is there an earnings management problem in the above case study? Explain the problem in details if any.As per the given case study, AlKhor Company has reported QAR 200,000 (2012), 250,000 (2013) and 300000 (2014). Again, in the year 2015, the company wants to provide a warranty of 70,000 when only 50,000 was likely to be estimated. This looks like more of earnings management problem. In this type of problem, the management tries to smoothen the earnings of the company over the years so that the earnings show a stability of income and investors get attracted to by the stocks of the company. By adopting the extra conservative approach, the management is aggravating earnings management in the company.2. If the controller accepted to record a QAR 70,000 warranty expense in 2015, would this be counted as a violation to the generally accepted accounting principles? Identify and discuss the accounting principle that would be violated, if any. On acceptance of a warranty expense of QAR 70,000 in the year 2015, the company will be providing for extra expense of QAR 20000 for the next year. This means that the company will be providing for an expense pertaining to the next year. This is against the accrual system of accounting which is mandatorily required to be followed by all profit seeking organizations as per the Generally accepted Accounting principles (GAAP). Under the accrual system, the company needs to provide for corresponding expenses in the same year when the sales have undertaken. Then only the financial statements are able to depict a true and fair view of the operations and economy of the company. Hence, by recording the warranty expense of QAR 70,000, the principle of accrual will be violated as per the GAAP.3. Assume that the net income before warranty expense for each of 2015 and 2016 is QAR 430,000 and that total warranty expense over the 2-year period is QAR 100,000. What is the effect of the proposed accounting treatment on the income statements of 2015 and 2016? In case the earnings before providing for the warranty expense for each year would be QAR 430000 i.e. for 2015 and 2016 and the total amount to warranty expense is QAR 100,000 (therefore each year income (100000/2=QAR 50,000) the total affect for all the two years would lead to earnings management problem in the company. This is due to the following reasons:-• In the year 2015, the company will have to report its earnings as 430000-70000= QAR 360000 which would be an understatement by 20000 (70,000-50000)• In the year 2016, the company will be reporting its earnings as 430000 which would be an overstatement by 20000 (70,000-50000)To conclude, if this position is depicted in the financial statements of the AlKhor Company, the investors would clearly see that the company is increasing its revenue year after year and hence progressing in a sound manner. They would hence get deceived. The management would be successful in earnings management.4. Discuss the negative consequences that might be caused by the earnings management practices. The negative consequences that might be caused by the earnings management practices are enlisted hereunder:-• Violation of accounting principles- By following earnings management system, the accounting principles like accrual basis of accounting is violated. This is not accepted by GAAP, the adherence of which is mandatory. • Disadvantageous in short term also- even though earnings management is followed in short term to smoothen the earnings, other aspects of operations will be negatively affected in some form or the other. The adjustment would not last long.• Cheating the investors- the investors are innocent and rely on the financial statements for investing their hard core money. By earnings management, they are deceived and often go for wrong investments.• Wrong depiction of financials- The financial statements if depicted by earnings management do not show a clear picture of a company. This makes comparisons, forecast and dependability inaccurate.
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النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
حالة study- الخور الشركة
1. هناك مشكلة إدارة الأرباح في دراسة الحالة المذكورة أعلاه؟ شرح المشكلة في التفاصيل إن وجدت.
ووفقا لدراسة قضية معينة، وأفادت الشركة الخور ريال قطري 200،000 (2012)، 250000 (2013) و300،000 (2014). مرة أخرى، في عام 2015، أرادت الشركة لتوفير الضمان من 70،000 عندما فقط 50،000 كان من المرجح أن يتم تقدير. هذا يبدو وكأنه أكثر من مشكلة إدارة الأرباح. في هذا النوع من المشكلة، تحاول الإدارة لتنعيم أرباح الشركة خلال السنوات بحيث تظهر أرباح استقرار الدخل والحصول على جذب المستثمرين إلى جانب أسهم الشركة. من خلال اعتماد نهج المحافظ اضافية، والإدارة هي إدارة الأرباح المشددة في الشركة.
2. إذا وحدة تحكم قبول لتسجيل حساب ريال قطري 70،000 الضمان في عام 2015، سيتم فرزها ذلك بأنه انتهاك لمبادئ المحاسبة المقبولة عموما؟ تحديد ومناقشة مبدأ المحاسبة التي يمكن أن تنتهك، إن وجدت.
وفي قبول حساب الضمان من 70،000 ريال قطري في عام 2015، فإن الشركة سوف توفر للنفقات إضافية قدرها 20000 ريال قطري للعام المقبل. وهذا يعني أن الشركة سوف توفر لحساب تتعلق العام المقبل. هذا هو ضد نظام الاستحقاق الذي هو مطلوب إلزاميا على أن يتبعها كل ربح تسعى المنظمات وفقا لمبادئ المحاسبة المقبولة عموما (GAAP). تحت نظام الاستحقاق، واحتياجات الشركة لتوفير عندما أخذت على عاتقها مصاريف المبيعات المقابلة في نفس العام. عندها فقط البيانات المالية قادرة على تصوير صورة حقيقية وعادلة للعمليات والاقتصاد للشركة. وبالتالي، من خلال تسجيل حساب ضمان من 70000 ريال قطري، سيتم انتهكت مبدأ الاستحقاق وفقا لمبادئ المحاسبة المقبولة عموما. 3. نفترض أن صافي الدخل قبل حساب الضمان لكل من 2015 و 2016 هو 430،000 ريال قطري وأن حساب الضمان الكامل خلال فترة السنة 2 هو 100،000 ريال قطري. ما هو تأثير المعالجة المحاسبية المقترحة على بيانات الدخل في عام 2015 و 2016؟ وفي حالة الأرباح قبل تقديم لحساب الضمان لكل عام سيكون 430،000 ريال قطري، أي في عام 2015 و 2016 والمبلغ الإجمالي إلى حساب الضمان هو 100،000 ريال قطري . (وبالتالي كل الدخل العام (100000/2 = ريال قطري 50،000) مجموع يؤثر على كل عامين من شأنه أن يؤدي إلى مشكلة إدارة الأرباح في الشركة ويرجع ذلك للأسباب التالية: - • في عام 2015، فإن الشركة لديها أن يقدم أرباحها كما 430000-70٬000 = 360000 ريال قطري والذي سيكون بخس التي كتبها 20000 (70،000-50000) • في عام 2016، ستقوم الشركة لتقارير أرباحها كما 430000 الذي سيكون من المبالغة التي كتبها 20000 (70،000-50000) وفي الختام، إذا وصفت هذا الموقف في البيانات المالية للشركة الخور، فإن المستثمرين يرون بوضوح أن الشركة يتزايد عاما إيراداتها بعد عام، وبالتالي تتقدم بطريقة سليمة. وكانوا بالتالي الحصول على خدع. وقال إن الإدارة أن يكون النجاح في إدارة الأرباح. 4. مناقشة الآثار السلبية التي قد تكون ناجمة عن ممارسات إدارة الأرباح. والنتائج السلبية التي قد تكون ناجمة عن ممارسات إدارة الأرباح يتم إدراج أدناه: - • انتهاك principles- المحاسبة باتباع نظام إدارة الأرباح، المبادئ المحاسبية مثل مبدأ الاستحقاق يتم انتهاك المحاسبة. لم يتم قبول ذلك من خلال مبادئ المحاسبة المقبولة عموما، والتزام وهو إلزامي. • غير المواتية في المدى القصير also- على الرغم من ويتبع إدارة الأرباح في المدى القصير لتنعيم الأرباح، وجوانب أخرى من عمليات ستتأثر سلبا في شكل أو آخر. ان التعديل لم يدم طويلا. • الغش وأو المستثمرين والمستثمرين أبرياء والاعتماد على البيانات المالية لاستثمار المال الأساسي الشاق. من قبل إدارة الأرباح، وخدع أنها وغالبا ما تذهب للاستثمارات خاطئة. • تصوير خاطئ من financials- القوائم المالية إذا صورت من قبل إدارة الأرباح لا تظهر صورة واضحة للشركة. وهذا يجعل المقارنات، توقعات والاعتمادية دقيقة.

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