The main purpose of the study is to examine the effectiveness of the KWL-Plus strategy on the performance of the Jordanian Tenth Grade male students in reading comprehension. To achieve this aim, the sample of the study was selected from a private school and a public school. They participants were divided into an experiment group and a control group. All the public school students represented the experimental group. Whereas, the private school students represented the control group. The experimental group was taught reading with the KWL-Plus strategy, while the control group was taught with the conventional readingstrategies. To collect the data, pre and post reading comprehension tests were administered. The pre-test was conducted prior to the application of the strategy, and the post-test was given to the students in the two groups after the application of the strategy. Data were analyzed by using mean scores, standard deviation, t-test and covariance. The findings indicated that the experimental group of the public school scored higher on the reading comprehension post-tests than their peers did in the control group. The researcher concluded that the strategy was effective in improving the reading comprehension performance and recommended that thestrategy should be integrated into the English curriculum of the Jordanian schools.