خالد بن الوليد سيف الله المسلول

خالد بن الوليد سيف الله المسلول " ع

خالد بن الوليد سيف الله المسلول

" عجزت النساء أن يلدن مثل خالد " عمر بن الخطاب

خالد بن الوليد بن المغيرة ، المخزومي القرشي ، أبو سليمان كان اسلامه في شهر صفر سنة ثمان من الهجرة حيث قال الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- :"الحمد لله الذي هداك ، قد كنت أرى لك عقلا لا يسلمك الا الى الخير "


و تعود قصة اسلام خالد الى ما بعد معاهدة الحديبية حيث أسلم أخوه الوليد بن الوليد ، ودخل الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- مكة في عمرة القضاء فسأل الوليد عن أخيه خالد ، فقال :" أين خالد ؟" فقال الوليد يأتي به الله ) فقال النبي :-صلى الله عليه وسلم- : " ما مثله يجهل الاسلام ، ولو كان يجعل نكايته مع المسلمين على المشركين كان خيرا له ، ولقدمناه على غيره"فخرج الوليد يبحث عن أخيه فلم يجده ، فترك له رسالة قال فيها بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أما بعد
فأني لم أرى أعجب من ذهاب رأيك عن الاسلام وعقلك عقلك ، ومثل الاسلام يجهله أحد ؟! وقد سألني عنك رسول الله، فقال أين خالد -- وذكر قول النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- فيه -- ثم قال له : فاستدرك يا أخي ما فاتك فيه ، فقد فاتتك مواطن صالحة ) وقد كان خالد -رضي الله عنه- يفكر في الاسلام ، فلما قرأ رسالة أخيه سر بها سرورا كبيرا ، وأعجبه مقالة النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم-فيه ، فتشجع و أسلم

يقول خالد عن رحلته من مكة الى المدينة وددت لو أجد من أصاحب ، فلقيت عثمان بن طلحة فذكرت له الذي أريد فأسرع الإجابة ، وخرجنا جميعا فأدلجنا سحرا ، فلما كنا بالسهل إذا عمرو بن العاص ، فقال : مرحبا بالقوم ، قلنا : وبك ، قال : أين مسيركم ؟ فأخبرناه ، وأخبرنا أيضا أنه يريد النبي ليسلم ، فاصطحبنا حتى قدمنا المدينة أول يوم من صفر سنة ثمان ، فلما اطلعت على رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - سلمت عليه بالنبوة فرد على السلام بوجه طلق ، فأسلمت وشهدت شهادة الحق ، وحينها قال الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- الحمد لله الذي هداك ، قد كنت أرى لك عقلا لا يسلمك الا الى الخير)وبايعت الرسول وقلت استغفر لي كل ما أوضعت فيه من صد عن سبيل الله ) فقال إن الإسلام يجب ما كان قبله ) فقلت : ( يا رسول الله على ذلك ) فقال : اللهم اغفر لخالد بن الوليد كل ما أوضع فيه من صد عن سبيلك وتقدم عمرو بن العاص ، وعثمان بن طلحة ، فأسلما وبايعا رسول الله )

غزوة مؤتة

كانت غزوة مؤتة أول غزوة شارك فيها خالد ، وقد قتل قادتها الثلاثة : زيد بن حارثة ، ثم جعفر بن أبي طالب ، ثم عبدالله بن رواحة -رضي الله عنهم- ، فسارع الى الراية ( ثابت بن أقرم ) فحملها عاليا وتوجه مسرعا الى خالد قائلا له : ( خذ اللواء يا أبا سليمان ) فلم يجد خالد أن من حقه أخذها فاعتذر قائلا لا ، لا آخذ اللواء أنت أحق به ، لك سن وقد شهدت بدرا )فأجابه ثابت خذه فأنت أدرى بالقتال مني ، ووالله ما أخذته إلا لك ) ثم نادى بالمسلمين أترضون إمرة خالد ؟)قالوا نعم ) فأخذ الراية خالد وأنقذ جيش المسلمين ، وقال النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - عندما أخبر الصحابة بتلك الغزوة أخذ الراية زيد فأصيب ، ثم أخذ الراية جعفر فأصيب ، ثم أخذ الراية ابن رواحة فأصيب ، وعيناه -صلى الله عليه وسلم- تذرفان، حتى أخذ الراية سيف من سيوف الله ، حتى فتح الله عليهم )فسمي خالد من ذلك اليوم سيف الله


وشارك في فتح مكة وفي حروب الردة وبالذات في معركة اليمامة حين استطاع أن يضع حدا لمسيلمة الكذاب وأعوانه ، في فتح بلاد الفرس استهل خالد عمله بارسال كتب إلى جميع ولاة كسرى ونوابه على ألوية العراق ومدائنه :- ( بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ، من خالد بن الوليد الى مرازبة فارس ، سلام على من اتبع الهدى ، أما بعد فالحمدلله الذي فض خدمكم ، وسلب ملككم ، ووهّن كيدكم ، من صلى صلاتنا واستقبل قبلتنا ، وأكل ذبيحتنا فذلكم المسلم ، له ما لنا وعليه ما علينا ، إذا جاءكم كتابي فابعثوا إلي بالرّهُن واعتقدوا مني الذمة ، وإلا فوالذي لا إله غيره لأبعثن إليكم قوما يحبون الموت كما تحبون الحياة !!)وعندما جاءته أخبار الفرس بأنهم يعدون جيوشهم لمواجهته لم ينتظر ، وإنما سارع ليقابلهم في كل مكان محققا للإسلام النصر تلو الآخر ولم ينس أن يوصي جنوده قبل الزحف لاتتعرضوا للفلاحين بسوء ، دعوهم في شغلهم آمنين ، إلا أن يخرج بعضهم لقتالكم ، فآنئذ قاتلوا المقاتلين )

معركة اليرموك وبطولاتها

إمرة الجيش
أولى أبوبكر الصديق إمرة جيش المسلمين لخالد بن الوليد ليواجهوا جيش الروم الذي بلغ مائتي ألف مقاتل وأربعين ألفا ، فوقف خالد بجيش المسلمين خاطباً إن هذا يوم من أيام الله لا ينبغي فيه الفخر ولا البغي ، أخلصوا جهادكم وأريدوا الله بعملكم ، وتعالوا نتعاور الإمارة ، فيكون أحدنا اليوم أميراً والآخر غداً ، والآخر بعد غد ، حتى يتأمر كلكم
تأمين الجيش
وقبل أن يخوض خالد القتال كان يشغل باله احتمال أن يهرب بعض أفراد جيشه بالذات من هم حديثي عهد بالإسلام من أجل هذا ولأول مرة دعا نساء المسلمين وسلمهن السيوف ، وأمرهن بالوقوف خلف صفوف المسلمين وقال لهن ( من يولي هاربا ، فاقتلنه )

خالد و ماهان الروماني

وقبيل بدء القتال طلب قائد الروم أن يبرز إليه خالد، وبرز إليه خالد ، في الفراغ الفاصل بين الجيشين ، وقال (ماهان) قائد الروم ( قد علمنا أنه لم يخرجكم من بلادكم إلا الجهد والجوع فإن شئتم أعطيت كل واحد منكم عشرة دنانير وكسوة وطعاما ، وترجعون إلى بلادكم ، وفي العام القادم أبعث إليكم بمثلها !)وأدرك خالد ما في كلمات الرومي من سوء الأدب ورد قائلا ( إنه لم يخرجنا من بلادنا الجوع كما ذكرت ، ولكننا قوم نشرب الدماء ، وقد علمنا أنه لا دم أشهى ولا أطيب من دم الروم ، فجئنا لذلك !)وعاد بجواده الى صفوف الجيش ورفع اللواء عاليا مؤذنا بالقتال الله أكبر ، هبي رياح الجنة )
من البطولات
ودار قتال قوي ، وبدا للروم من المسلمين مالم يكونوا يحتسبون ، ورسم المسلمون صورا تبهر الألباب من فدائيتهم وثباتهم فها هو خالد غلى رأس مائة من جنده ينقضون على أربعين ألف من الروم ويصيح بهم والذي نفسي بيده ما بقي من الروم من الصبر والجلد إلا ما رأيتم ، وإني لأرجو أن يمنحكم الله أكتافهم )وبالفعل انتصر المائة على الأربعين

خالد وجرجه الروماني

وقد انبهر القادة الروم من عبقرية خالد في القتال ، مما حمل (جرجه) أحد قادتهم للحديث مع خالد ، حيث قال له يا خالد اصدقني ، ولا تكذبني فإن الحر لا يكذب ، هل أنزل الله على نبيكم سيفا من السماء فأعطاك إياه فلا تسله على أحد إلا هزمته قال خالد لا قال الرجل : فبم سميت سيف الله ؟)قال خالد : إن الله بعث فينا رسوله ، فمنا من صدقه ومنا من كذب ، وكنت فيمن كذب حتى أخذ الله قلوبنا إلى الإسلام ، وهدانا برسوله فبايعناه ، فدعا لي الرسول ، وقال لي ( أنت سيف من سيوف الله ) فهكذا سميت سيف الله )قال القائد الروماني وإلام تدعون ؟ ) قال خالد إلى توحيد الله وإلى الإسلا
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Khalid Bin Al Waleed Saifullah Maslool

"failed women to give birth, such as Khalid" Omar ibn al-Khattab

Khalid Bin Al Waleed bin invasive, Makhzoumi Qurashi, Abu Suleiman was his conversion to Islam in the month of Safar eight of immigration where he said the Prophet - peace be upon him -:"Praise be to Allah who has guided you, you may see you mind not only íÓáăß to goodness" is Islam

The story of Islam Khaled to what after Treaty Hudaybiyah where the safest brother Walid bin Walid, entered the Prophet - peace be upon him - Mecca Umrah eliminate newborn inquired about his brother Khaled, he said: "Where is Khaled?" Alwaleed said, comes by God) The Prophet said:- Peace be upon him: - "What like him ignorant of Islam, even if he makes Nkath with Muslims infidels was good for him, but we made it to other" went newborn looking for his brother did not find him, leaving him a letter in which he said the name of God the Merciful After
I did not see was impressed by the way you think about Islam and mind your mind, such as Islam ignorant one?! He asked me about you the Messenger of Allah, said Where Khalid - The words of the Prophet - peace be upon him - it - and then said to him:Fastdrick my brother what you missed it, he missed a citizen valid) was Khaled - may Allah be pleased with him - think of Islam, and when he read the message his secret with great pleasure, and liked an article of the Prophet - peace be upon him - which, Vchdja and safest

Says Khalid about his journey from Mecca to the city and I wanted if I find أصاحب, I met Uthman bin Talha I mentioned to him that I hurried to answer, and we came out all Vadgana charming, and when we Balshl if Amr ibn al-Aas, said: hello Balqom, said: WBC, said:Where Msircm? Vokhbernah, and also told us that he wants the Prophet to deliver, Vastahibna the city offered the first day of zero-eight year, when he had seen the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - handed him prophecy individual peace in divorces, in Islam, and sawRight, and then said the Prophet - peace be upon him - Praise be to Allah Who has guided you, you may see you mind not íÓáăß only to goodness) and pledged allegiance to the Prophet and I ask forgiveness me everything Odat it to repel from the path of God) said that Islam must be what it was before) I said:(O Messenger of Allah on it), he said: O Allah, forgive Khalid bin Walid each what أوضع it was blocked on your path and progress Amr ibn al-Aas, Osman bin Talha, Vosalma and Baie Messenger of Allah)

foray Muta

The battle of Muta first foray involving Khalid, was killed leaders of the three: Zaid bin Haritha, then Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, and Abdullah bin Rawahah - God bless them -, rushed to the flag (fixed bin Oqurm) Vhmlha high and went quickly to Khaled saying to him :(Take Major General O Abu Suleiman) did not find Khalid has the right taken apologized, saying no, do not take the brigade you right to it, you age has seen Badra) answered a fixed take it you are more knowledgeable to fight me, and I swear by Allah you took only for you) then called Muslims أترضون command KhaledYes) took the flag Khaled and saved the Army of Muslims, and the Prophet - peace be upon him - when he told companions that the invasion took Ensign Zaid was shot, and then taking Ensign Jaafar was shot, and then taking Ensign'm Rawahah was shot, his eyes - peace be upon him -Even taking the flag of swords sword of God, even to open upon them) was called Khalid Saifullah that day


participated in the conquest of Mecca in the wars of apostasy, particularly in the Battle of Yamama, while he was able to put an end to Musaylimah liar and his aides, in opening Persia began Khaled done by sending books to all the governors of fractions and his deputies on brigades Iraq and مدائنه:- (In the name of God the Merciful, from Khalid Bin Al Waleed to Mrazibh Knight, peace upon those who follow guidance, but after Vahamdllah which Disengagement Khaddmkm, and the looting of yours, and they Kiedkm, who prayed our prayers and received a kiss, eat ذبيحتنا Vzlkm Muslim him what weWhat we have, if there comes my mortgage Fabosoa to book and thought me Dhimmah, otherwise Volve is no other god because Ibosn you folk love death as you love life!) And when the news came to him the horse that they are preparing their armies to confront it did not wait, but rushed for they are met everywhere investigators to Islam after another victory did not forget to recommend to his soldiers before crawling to Ataataradwa for the poor peasants, let them in their job safely, only to come outFor your killing, Vaniz fought fighters)

Battle of Yarmouk and بطولاتها

command of the army
First Abu Bakr command of the Army of Muslims to Khalid bin Walid to face the Roman army which amounted to two hundred thousand and forty thousand fighters, stood Khaled Army Muslims خاطبا that this day of God should not be the pride nor the prostitute, sincere in your Jihad and ErdwaYour work, and come Ntaor the emirate, so one of us today and the other tomorrow prince, and the other the day after tomorrow, so you all conspires
Insurance army
Before fighting Khaled fighting was occupying his mind the possibility that some members of his army flee in particular those who are newcomers to Islam for this and for the first time called on Muslim women and سلمهن swords, and ordered them to stand behind the ranks of Muslims and told them (Yuli on the run,

Khaled and Mahan Roman

Prior to the start of the fighting asked the commander of rum that brings him Khaled, and emerged to Khalid, in the space separating the two armies, he (Mahan) leader Roman (has taught us that it did not forth from your country, but the effort and hunger, the you will give each one of you ten dinars and livery, And you will be returned to your country, and in the next year to send you ideals!) And Khalid realized what the words of Rumi bad manners reportedly saying (that he did not get us out of our hunger as I mentioned, but people who drink blood, has taught us that no blood nor best delicacies from the blood of rum, we came to it!) Returned بجواده-to the ranks of the army and raise Brigade high muezzin fight Allahu Akbar, Wehbe winds Paradise)

championshipsHouse fight strong, and it seemed the Roman Muslims unless they counted, and draw Muslims images fascinates kernels from Vdaúathm and fortitude Here is Khalid boiling the top one hundred of his soldiers are reneging on forty thousand of their rum and shouting and my hand what remains of the RomanPatience and skin but what you have seen, and I hope that God gives you their shoulders) and already triumphed percent on forty

Khaled and Roman Georgeah

Was impressed leaders Roman genius Khaled in the fighting, which carry (Georgeah) one of their leaders to talk with Khaled, who said to him, Khaled اصدقني, nor تكذبني the heat does not lie, does God revealed to the Prophet sword from heaven Voatak him not Tzle on one of the onlyKhalid said the man said:فبم named Saifullah?), Khalid said:God sent us His Messenger, mouth of sincerity and of us lie, and I was one who lied until God took our hearts to Islam, and has guided us in His Messenger Fbayanah, he called me a prophet, and he told me (you Sword of Swords God) is how named Saifullah) said Roman leader and mother? ) Said Khalid to unite God and to ALISLAMI
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Khalid Ibn al Walid Saif Allah almaslul

"failed to give women such as Khalid Omar Ibn al Khattab

of Khalid Ibn al Walid Ibn al mughira Abu Suleiman al qurashi makhzoumi, was converted to Islam in February eight years of migration, where he said the Prophet - peace be upon him -:"Praise be to Allah who guided you, may you see your mind not only to bless you good


And return the story of Khalid Islam to after the Treaty of hudaybiyah, where his brother Walid bin Walid and acknowledge the Prophet - peace be upon him - Mecca in Amra judiciary asked al Walid about his brother Khaled, said: "where?" said Walid Khaled comes by God) to the prophet said:Peace be upon him: "like the ignorant of Islam, even if makes نكايته with Muslims infidels was good, on the other ولقدمناه" went looking for his brother Waleed film finds, leaving him a letter in which he said in the name of God the merciful after
I didn't see impressed away your mind about Islam and your mind your mind, like Islam, unknown to anyone?! The messenger of Allah, he asked me about you where Khaled - the words of the Prophet - peace be upon him – and then said to him:فاستدرك brother what you missed, you missed the citizen has valid) has been Khaled - may Allah be pleased with him - Thinking in Islam, when he read the letter from his brother sir it is a great pleasure for me وأعجبه essay, the Prophet - peace be upon him, encouraging and more

He says Khalid from his journey from Mecca to the city I would find friends with, thrown Uthman Ibn talha stated to him that I want to answer, he went out all فأدلجنا magic, when we were easy when AMR Ibn al AAS, said: Hello بالقوم, we said: you and said:Where? So go ahead, and he also told us that wants to deliver, the prophet فاصطحبنا until we the city the first day of February, eight, when he read the messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - handed him blessed individual peace in فأسلمت, talc andRight, and then said the Prophet - peace be upon him - praise be to Allah who guided you, may you see your mind not only to bless you good and pledged allegiance to the prophet said to me everything you repel from the path of God), which said that Islam must be what was before him) said:(o messenger of God, and said: O Allah, forgive the Khaled bin al Walid all put it repulsed from the way the AMR Ibn al AAS, Uthman bin talha, فأسلما وبايعا messenger of Allah)

, the battle of mutahIt was the battle of mu'tah first foray with Khalid, was killed by the Zaid bin haritha, then Ja'Far Ibn ABI Talib and Abdullah bin rawahah - may Allah be pleased with them, rushed to the flag (fixed bin أقرم), فحملها high and quickly to Khalid, saying to him:Take general, Abu Sulaiman) did not find that he apologized, saying it Khalid right don't take you right, you the age of the brigade have been fixed. You know the full) to fight me, and I swear by Allah that it only you), and then called the Muslims أترضون command of KhalidYes) was saved and the Muslim army flag to Khalid, said the Prophet - peace be upon him when he told the companions that battle Zaid took the flag and, then Ja'Far took the flag and then take the flag Ibn rawahah was shot, his eyes - peace be upon him.So take the flag of the swords of God, even God opened them) was called Khalid that day the sword of God

and participated in the Jihad and the conquest of Mecca in the ridda wars, particularly in the battle of yamama when he managed to put an end to the لمسيلمة liar and his aides, open Persia started work to send books to all governors of Khalid and his deputies to Iraq ومدائنه fractions brigades:(the name of God the merciful, Khalid bin al Waleed to مرازبة fares, peace to follow, after which the resolution فالحمدلله خدمكم, and ووهّن, your king كيدكم, may by the kiss, eat ذبيحتنا فذلكم Muslim, has what we areWhat we need, if you send me a written disclosure بالرّهُن and believed me, otherwise "whose God and no other لأبعثن to you, like death and love life!!When the news came to the Persians) they are preparing their armies to face did not wait, but quickly ليقابلهم everywhere in Islam victory after another has not forgotten to recommend his soldiers before crawling لاتتعرضوا for bad let them their safe, only to come out in theلقتالكم, the فآنئذ fought fighters)

the command of the army the battle of Yarmouk وبطولاتها
The first Abu Bakr the command of the Muslim army Khaled bin al Walid to the Roman army, which stood at one thousand fighters, one thousand forty hundred, and Khaled Muslim army engaged the day of God should not be in the pride and prostitute, أخلصوا your Jihad وأريدواYour job, and come نتعاور principality, so one day a prince, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, so يتأمر.
To ensure the army
Before running the fight was on. Khalid may escape some members of his army in new era are Islam for this for the first time called on Muslim women وسلمهن swords, وأمرهن standing behind among the Muslims said them (give away.

, Khaled, Mahan RomanShortly before the start of the fighting commander requested that the Roman to Khalid, Khaled, emerged to the separation between the two armies, said vacuum () (commander of the Roman Mahan has taught us that, not only of your hunger and the effort out. You will give each of you ten dinars and theAnd, being held and come into your country, in the coming year, send you in!And in the lyrics) Khaled el of bad manners stated, he didn't get us out of our hunger as mentioned, but people drink blood, we have learned that the best blood blood delicious and rum, فجئنا so!بجواده returned to the ranks of the army) and major general high marking fighting Allah Akbar, Hebi winds of Paradise)

tournamentsAnd a strong fighter, and Greek Muslims, and Muslims unless they counted photographs of فدائيتهم dazzle kernels steadfastness, Khaled off the top one hundred of the man break the one thousand forty Roman and cheer them and my hand what was left of the RomanPatience and skin only what you have seen, and I hope to give you shoulders already triumphed 100th God)


وجرجه RomanThe Roman genius Khalid was impressed by the leaders in the fighting, forcing the جرجه to talk with one of their leaders (), where they said to him, Khaled, Khalid, in تكذبني for free, does not lie, did Allah revealed to your prophet. The sky فأعطاك him not one but تسلهKhaled is the man said:فبم named the sword of God? "Said Khaled:God gave us His Messenger, and some of the sincerity and from us from lying, you who lied to God took our hearts to Islam, and guided us, he called me his messenger فبايعناه prophet told me you're the sword of God swords), thus called the sword of Allah) and the Roman commander? said Khaled to the oneness of God and Islam
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Khalid Bin Al Waleed Saif Allah the tuberculous

"unable to women to give birth like Khalid Umar

Khalid Bin Walid bin invasive, makhzumi Qurashi, Abu Sulaiman were Muslim month of Muharram year eight immigration where the Messenger-Prophet-:"Praise be to Allah who guided you, I see you mind not only to deliver you good

IslamAnd the story of Islam Khalid beyond Treaty Treaty where Alwaleed Bin Walid, Muslim brothers, and entered the Prophet-peace be upon him-in the old judiciary asked the UFC for his brother Khaled, he said: "where's Jack?" said Alwaleed comes by God), the Prophet said:-Prophet-: "like him ignorant of Islam, even if he makes his spite the infidels with Muslims was good, and our other" newborn came out looking for his brother, did not find it, leave him a message saying the name of God the merciful after
I have yet to see a stranger ... what you think and your mind your mind, like Islam, unknown to anyone?! He asked me about the Messenger of Allah, where Khalid-was the Prophet-peace be upon him-it-then said to him: However, my brother what you have missed, you have missed the citizen) was Khalid may Allah be pleased with him-thinking in Islam, since his brother's secret message read out by a great pleasure, and liked the article of the Prophet-peace be upon him-, encourages and Aslam

Khaled says on his journey from Mecca to the city I wanted if I find the owners, Othman bin Talha had indicated to him that I want the fastest answer, we all vadlgna weird, since we have been easy if AMR Ibn El-AAS: Hello people, we said: you said: Where are your distance? Then we told him and also told us that he wanted the Prophet to deliver, we even made the city the first day of Muharram year eight, when the Messenger of Allah-peace be upon him-the prophecy delivered on peace in divorced, she saw Right, then said the Prophet-peace be upon him-praise be to Allah who guided you, I see you mind not only to deliver you good) and pledged allegiance to the Prophet and I forgive me everything which repel the awdat Allah) said that Islam should be the Kiss) I said: (O Messenger of Allah) said: o Allah, forgive the Khalid Bin Waleed everything explained the repel of the place and AMR Ibn al-' AAS, Uthman bin Talha, stay overnight and they pay homage to the Messenger of God)

battle of mu'tah

The battle of mu'tah first foray with Khaled, was killed and the three leaders: Zayd Ibn haarithah, Ja'far Ibn ABI taalib, and Abdullah bin rawaha-may Allah be pleased with them, he hurried to the banner (static bin akram), pregnancy loud and went hustling to Khalid, saying to him: (Take major general o Abu Sulaiman), Khaled did not find that the right to take them, I apologize, saying no, you're not taking the General most deserving, you age and saw badra) fixed answer take you know fighting me, by God you took you) then the Muslim club do you prefer command of Khalid Yes) took the banner of Khaled and saved the army of Muslims, the Prophet-peace be upon him-when the companions told the conquest took Zaid, banner, then Ensign Jaafar, Ibn rawaha banner then took the wounded, his eyes-Prophet. Even taking the flag the sword of swords of God, even fathulla them) named Khaled that day God sword

Jihad and participated in the conquest of Mecca and in the wars of apostasy in the battle of Yamama, while able to put an end to the liar musaylimah and his associates, to open Persia launched its send wrote Khalid to all Governors and Vice-Presidents on fractional Iraq brigades and its cities:(In the name of God the merciful, Khalid Bin Walid to Knight mrazbeh, peace be upon those who follow true guidance, but after the break up valhamdellh experience a pleasant stay, and your King, your cunning, the weakness of our prayer and received a kiss, eat our sacrificial offering, this Muslim, what we What we have, if written, whatever statement send to the mortgage and they thought of me, and only fwalzei God labathn you mean others love death as you love life!!) And when he got news of Persians they are their armies to face did not wait, but hurried to met everywhere an Islam victory after another and did not forget to recommend to his soldiers before crawling not they be exposed to poor farmers, let them in their job safely, only to come out For your fight, then fought fighters)

Battle of Yarmouk and his army, Sotogrande get

The first Abu Bakr ordered the Muslim army of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid to the Roman army, which reached 200,000 fighters and 40,000, halt Khalid's army of Muslims if this day of God should be proud and not a prostitute, save yourselves your Jihad and aridwa Your work, come ntaaor Principality, one day a Prince and the other tomorrow, after tomorrow, even conspire all
Military insurance
Before the fighting, Khalid was fighting with the possibility that some members of his army flees from their new era of Islam for this and for the first time called on Muslim women and the ND of swords, and challenged them to stand behind them, said Muslims (attached on the run, )

Khalid, Mahan Roman

Prior to fighting the Roman Commander requested to reflects the Khaled, Khaled, the mechanism has emerged in the space between the two armies, said Roman Commander (Mahan) (taught us the depths of your country not only effort and hunger, that you will give each of you jd10 and Interior finish And shall to your country next year send like her!) And Khaled in sweet words of bad manners and replied (no doldrums our hunger, but also said people who drink blood, has taught us that the blood of the most delicious and best Roman blood, came to it!) And his horse returned to the army and major general high marking fighting God, happy paradise winds)

tournamentsAnd fighting forces, Greek Muslims started unless they Bill, drawing Muslims images dazzle kernels from their fedayee stood up here is Khaled to top 100 of his lapse on 40,000 Roman and yell them, which itself holds the remains of Roman Patience and skin but what you have seen, and I hope God gives you shoulders) and already won the 40

Khalid wegrgh Roman

The Roman leaders were impressed by the genius of Khalid in battle, causing one of their leaders (Garja) to talk with Khalid, Khalid said to him, turn out to be true, and don't accuse of lying me the free does not lie, may Allah on your Prophet a sword of heaven, you gave him, not ask him except Khalid said no man said: FBM named saifullah?)Khalid said: That God sent us his Messenger, are of charity and of us to lie, and I was the one who lied to God took our hearts to Islam, and guided us with his Messenger, bayanah, recognized, the Messenger called me and told me (you are the sword of swords of God), so named after the sword of God) Commander Roman mother ؟ Khalid said the unification of) Allah and Islam
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