نبذة عن ا لشركة | ٢٠ دیسم بر ١۶١٩ تم تح ویل الشكل بموجب قرار وزیر الاق ترجمة - نبذة عن ا لشركة | ٢٠ دیسم بر ١۶١٩ تم تح ویل الشكل بموجب قرار وزیر الاق الإنجليزية كيف أقول

نبذة عن ا لشركة | ٢٠ دیسم بر ١۶١٩ ت

نبذة عن ا لشركة | ٢٠ دیسم بر ١۶١٩ تم تح ویل الشكل بموجب قرار وزیر الاقتصاد رقم 496 لس نة ٩٧ا لقانوني لشركة الم ركز الطبي المصري للا د ویة إیم ك م ن شر كة توصیة بس یطة1 لسنة ١٩٨١ ، وقد تم 5 إلى شر ك ة مس ا همة مص ریة طبقأ الأحكام القانون 9.قیدها بالس جل التجاري برقم ٢٩٨٠٣٩ القاهرةیتمثل غر ض الشر ك ة ف ي العمل في كافة مجالات قطاع الدواء منات جار وتصنیع وتسویق وتوزیع الأدویة البشریة والبیطریةو المنتجات والأج ه زة ا لط بیة ا لمح ل یة والمستوردة والمستحضر ات الكیماویةومستحضرات التجمیل والعطور ومستلزمات الصیدلیات والمعاملوالمستشفیات والوكالة التجاریة في حدود غرض الشركة وكذ لكالاس تیراد والتصدیر وتوریدات المعدات الطبیة والعلمیة والتصنیعبشرط الحصول على الموافقات اللازمة . تم اع تماد القوائم المالیة3 د یس م بر ٢٠١۶ طبقا لقرار للشركة عن السنة المنته یة ف ي 1.مجلس الإدارة المنعقد في 14 مارس ٢٠١٧أ هم السیاسات المحاسبیة المطبقة أسس إعداد القوائم ا لمالیة یتمإعداد ا لقوائم المالیة وفقا لفرض الاستمراریة ومبدأ التكلفة
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
About the Company | 20 Dیsm Barr 16 <br>19 Jul transfers have shaped under the minister 's decision No. 496 Economy Council NH 97 <br>a legal company pain medical focused Egyptian Lalla Dr. Ye AIME k m n evil KE recommendation Bs Juttah <br>1 of 1981, has been 5 to the evil as of touching a discourage sucking Rih in accordance with the provisions of law 9 <br>.qیdha Pels commercial Gel 298 039 number Cairo <br>the purpose to evil as its in the work in all areas of medicine sector of <br>data is underway, manufacturing, marketing and distribution of medicines for human and veterinary <br>and products - term e Gaza a for i Beah a glimpse for Yeh the imported product data chemicals <br>, cosmetics, perfumes and accessories pharmacies, laboratories <br>, hospitals and commercial agency within the purpose of the company Kz <br>Wallace import and export of medical equipment and supplies, scientific and manufacturing <br>provided that they obtain the necessary approvals. The sector adoption of financial statements<br>3 Dr. Yassin M. Barr 2016 according to the decision of the Company for the year Almenth Yeh in 1 <br>.cil administration held on March 14 , 2017 <br>A are the accounting policies applied to the foundations of the preparation of the lists of the financial are <br>preparing the financial statements are in accordance with the imposition of continuity and the principle of cost
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
About A& | 20 D17<br>19 The figure was approved by the Decision of The Minister of Economy No. 496 of 97<br>Legal for the Egyptian Medical Center Company for Dr. And No, when you are a consultant, it is only a mandate.<br>1 For the year 1981, 5 has been made to the evil of a political sucking in accordance with the provisions of Law 9<br>298039 Cairo<br>The evil is represented by the work in all areas of the pharmaceutical sector from<br>It is currently being manufactured, marketed and distributed in human and veterinary medicines.<br>And the products and products, including imported and chemical products<br>Products, perfumes, pharmaceuticals and laboratories<br>Hospitals and trading agency within the purpose of the company and as well as you<br>Imports, exports, medical, scientific and manufacturing equipment<br>Provided that the necessary approvals are obtained. The financial lists have been frozen.<br>3 D/1, 2017, according to the company's decision for the year to end in 1991.<br>The Board of Directors held on March 14, 2017<br>A. The accounting policy applied the basis for the preparation of the lists of financial<br>Preparing financial lists in accordance with the imposition of continuity and the principle of cost
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
About company e<br>Opened under a resolution of the economic and Social Council on 24 June 1996.<br>La D via EM k m n shareke bas Yata, a legal company's al ALM Egyptian medical center<br>On December 1, 1981, I issued five strike orders to the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with Article 9 of the law.<br>Cairo business registration number<br>Evil actions in all areas of the pharmaceutical industry<br>Its neighbors, industrialised, commoditized and distributed humans and human drugs<br>We have a good suggestion for our products, importers and chemicals<br>Cosmetics, perfumes, cosmetics and laboratory supplies<br>Hospitals and businesses are in the company for the same purpose as you<br>Medical equipment, science and manufacturing for trade and replication and supply in the United States<br>Provide necessary approvals. Date of financial statements<br>By resolution of the company for the year ended 31 March 2009<br>The board of directors was held in March 2010.<br>A basis applicable to the preparation of financial statements<br>Prepare financial statements based on continuity and cost principles<br>
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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