What is petroleum?
Petroleum, along with oil and coal, is classified as a fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are formed when sea plants and animals die, and the remains become buried under several thousand feet of silt, sand or mud. Fossil fuels take millions of years to form and therefore petroleum is also considered to be a non-renewable energy source.
What are the components of petroleum?
Petroleum is formed by hydrocarbons (a hydrocarbon is a compound made up of carbon and hydrogen) with the addition of certain other substances, primarily sulphur. Petroleum in its natural form when first collected is usually named crude oil, and can be clear, green or black and may be either thin like gasoline or thick like tar.
What are the uses of petroleum?
Most people tend to believe that petroleum is mostly used to power internal combustion engines in the form of gasoline or petrol.
In its thickest form, the almost black petroleum is named bitumen, this is used for paving road, forming the blacktop, it is also an excellent water repellent and is used in roofing.
Petroleum is also a major part of the chemical makeup of many plastics and synthetics. Possibly the most startling usage of petroleum for many people is its appearance in foodstuffs such as beer and in medications such as aspirin.
How does petroleum use develop among time?
Originally the primary use of petroleum was as a lighting fuel, once it had been distilled and turned into kerosene. When Edison opened the world's first electricity generating plant in 1882 the demand for kerosene began to drop.
However, by this time Henry Ford had shown the world that the automobile would be the best form of transport for decades to come, and gasoline began to be a product in high demand.
World War I was the real catalyst for petroleum production, with more petroleum being produced throughout the war than had ever been produced previously. In modern times petroleum is viewed as a valuable commodity, traded around the world in the same way as gold and diamonds.
What is the future of petroleum?
The world has a limited supply of petroleum, and current estimations tell us that within the next few decades mankind will have completely depleted this valuable natural resource. Although measures have been taken to ensure that there are cheap, renewable fuel options in place for the eventuality it is still obvious that mankind faces a serious problem when petroleum supplies finally run out.
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
ما هو البترول؟ويصنف البترول، جنبا إلى جنب مع النفط والفحم ووقود الأحفوري. أنواع الوقود الأحفوري وتتشكل عندما تموت الحيوانات، النباتات البحرية وبقايا تصبح مدفونة تحت عدة آلاف أقدام من الطمي أو الرمل أو الطين. الوقود الأحفوري يستغرق ملايين السنين للنموذج وذلك النفط يعتبر أيضا أن تكون مصدرا للطاقة غير متجددة.ما هي مكونات النفط؟النفط يتكون من الهيدروكربونات (هيدروكربون مركب يتكون من الكربون والهيدروجين) مع إضافة بعض المواد الأخرى، أساسا من الكبريت. النفطية بشكل طبيعي عندما جمعت أول يسمى عادة من النفط الخام، ويمكن أن تكون واضحة أو خضراء أو سوداء وقد تكون رقيقة مثل البنزين أو سميكة مثل القطران.ما هي استخدامات البترول؟معظم الناس يميلون إلى الاعتقاد بأن النفط يستخدم في الغالب لمحركات الاحتراق الداخلي السلطة في شكل البنزين أو البنزين. في شكله سمكا، يدعى النفط الأسود تقريبا البيتومين، يستخدم هذا لتمهيد الطريق، تشكيل الأسفلت، هو أيضا مياه ممتازة طارد ويستخدم في تسقيف.النفط أيضا جزء كبير من التركيبة الكيميائية للعديد من المواد البلاستيكية والمواد التركيبية. ربما الاستخدام الأكثر مذهلة للبترول لكثير من الناس هو مظهره في المواد الغذائية مثل الجعة والأدوية مثل الأسبرين.كيف تطوير استخدام البترول بين الوقت؟في الأصل كان الاستخدام الأساسي للبترول كوقود الإنارة، بمجرد أنها كانت المقطر وتحولت إلى الكيروسين. عندما أديسون فتح محطة توليد الكهرباء الأولى في العالم في عام 1882 بدأ الطلب على الكيروسين في الانخفاض.However, by this time Henry Ford had shown the world that the automobile would be the best form of transport for decades to come, and gasoline began to be a product in high demand.World War I was the real catalyst for petroleum production, with more petroleum being produced throughout the war than had ever been produced previously. In modern times petroleum is viewed as a valuable commodity, traded around the world in the same way as gold and diamonds.What is the future of petroleum?The world has a limited supply of petroleum, and current estimations tell us that within the next few decades mankind will have completely depleted this valuable natural resource. Although measures have been taken to ensure that there are cheap, renewable fuel options in place for the eventuality it is still obvious that mankind faces a serious problem when petroleum supplies finally run out.
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